TR Leadership & Development of Self to Lead & Develop Others Course/ Teacher - Certification (ACCREDITED), With practice this guided Leadership Course develops yourself from within - by the growth of yourself, 48 total hours of course time.
Email Accreditation Certificate cost: $185.00
(United States Dollars),
Instructor: Janett Wawrzyniak Ph.D., Inclusive Leadership
COURSE TRANSCRIPT - Work Book Training Materials
Section 1: Leadership & Development of Self – Introduction 1-2. Leadership & Development – Introduction
Welcome into this course on leadership and development of self. We need to lead and develop self if we ever want to lead any body whether a business team, organization, sports team, community club, our family whoever, at times we all need to be leaders. We need to know how to be leaders of our selves for any type of situation and know how to develop our selves into that area of leadership. That's what this course will cover. I'm an instructor and teacher training Worldwide, helping people for over 14 years in self-development to become a self-leading and starting. This course will cover the main topics at the heart of who you are in leading yourself. What to expect moving on to the best way to experience this course to get the most out of it. How I'm going to provide you with information so you can then use it. How we choose and learn is through conscious responsibility and its importance in a leadership role. In leadership of yourself we're going to look at the thought process. How we think, process thoughts and how we consciously choose to process thoughts, rather than just reacting to a situation resulting of how we consciously choose our thoughts. We will discuss communication skills, a key in leadership and to the leadership of our selves. You'll learn the importance of maintaining your internal communication while understanding external communication to coordinate with people assisting them on your journey as their group leader. There are emotional choices and intelligence with many choices connecting to some form of emotion. A reaction to something with an emotional connection and then being able to choose wisely with intelligence is the best way to be a leader. Many great leaders throughout history chose their emotions at the right time. Emotional behaviors and needs are key to learning about yourself and others whom you are trying to lead. When you take an action, exhibit a behavior moving forward or backwards on anything you'll discover why. Your behavior is so that you can make a shift a change, so that you can do the right thing. When you discover why people around you do what they do, you can help them to improve as well.
Section 1: Leadership & Development of Self – Introduction 3. Leadership & Development - Best way to experience this course
The more you get involved with this course taking notes the more memorization takes effect. The choice is entirely yours to apply course material to your life. I can provide information to be the best lead of my myself and be the best leader of people I possibly can be. Being a good leader is about living life on our terms. We don't live a life If we let life rush over us and take control. Information to you assists so that you lead your life in the best way, so you can help lead others, become a leader of others in whatever situation that may be. leadership and development of the self assists so that you can take these skills and lead and develop others. If you are not on NOTE TAKER. Just think about it a bit more that can store information more effectively in the mind.
Section 2: Leadership & Development of Self - A bit about us 4. Leadership & Development - Conscious Responsibility
Conscious responsibility is with activities in our life. We have emotions throughout different situations and our reactions to them. Our experiences also have work in actions we must complete. We have ourselves, family and things to think about. We can't take conscious responsibility for the actions of others. We can take conscious responsibility for us, for our actions, our thought process. We can take conscious responsibility for our emotions and how we react to situations whether we react in a positive or a negative way. We can take responsibility for our behaviors on a daily. There is conscious responsibility for our moods as an angry or a happy person, a sad or joyful person, or filled with energy. There is the contrast responsibility in our lives to take control of ourselves in conscious choice of doing, reacting and feeling. We will discuss how to control how you feel what emotions you want to feel more of, why emotions you want to feel less of, with conscious responsibility for living gives other people permission. A conscious responsibility, we can never take responsibility for their lives, their actions and their behaviors they must do that. When you have exhibited processing knowledge, have experience in taking conscious responsibility for your life, you give people the opportunity, permission to take conscious responsibility for their lives. Conscious responsibility is about them. It's about taking a step back in every area of your life and choosing to be responsible, for whatever areas behaviors, emotions or actions. If responsibility is taken for too many people in currently it has become too easy to blame others. It's the blame in the world these days it seems. For politicians it's all their fault. In the States at times a certain president is taking blame for everything. Whether the individual is popular or not has nothing to do with me. It is a responsibility for me to take for where and who I am. All that can be done is take conscious responsibility for the way and who you are, for the choices you make on daily and by a minute-to-minute basis for who you're going to be and willing to become. A question is, who are you willing to become? Or are you willing to become run by their emotions, not believing for a choice in any situation? Would you want to be the person who runs their emotions? Knowing they have a choice in situations and then take the time with the thought process for any situation, making the correct conscious choice rather than an unconscious choice. As the unconscious mind may have any number of set patterns connecting for years unconsciously, without us aware the mind can run those set patterns if we allow it. If we let the unconscious mind go throughout the day letting things happen, the reaction is the unconscious can keep repeating the same patterns. When something occurs causing anger or frustration at a loss, unconsciously the mind having composed a scenario for certain occurrences can need to be angry or frustrated. If the scenario happens what is another choice? language for self-communication will be presented later in this course. That is a conscious responsibility if something happens you will react to it. Are you reacting with the right choice or a moment of coaching anger or feelings of sadness and depression? If something occurs, do you feel anxious or fearful causing you not follow through with what you're trying to do and be in life. That is what conscious responsibility is about. This course will teach you about taking conscious responsibility for your life. Everything taught throughout this course, will be about you deciding as it applies to you, if the presentation can be used to take conscious responsibility for your thought processes, emotions, actions for how to live life. How to lead and communicate to others and how to communicate with yourself. You have choices every moment. In sharing this information, the best choice being given to you is having at hand a best choice before an emotional choice decision. In the unconscious mind there's no choice thought process. Only a natural reaction is what people say, oh it's just my natural reaction. Now with a reaction of an unconscious mind shift the conscious mind gives you much more expanse to be who you truly are. As we progress through this course, you can take conscious responsibility for your life as you choose to, or you get used to. You can choose to follow through taking conscious responsibility coordinated for your life. Knowing you have responsibility to choose how you feel, choose your thought processes for the actions you're going to take and how you react to situations. As a sign of maturity many people aren’t aware they can take charge of their own lives. Who are you willing to become? Are you ready to become the leader knowing they can take conscious responsibility for their life, leading themselves? We will look at how human beings learn, to understand the developing process information through in this course and how you can apply it best in your life. This helps you to lead others in their lives.
Section 2: Leadership & Development of Self - A bit about us 5. Leadership & Development - How We Learn
Human beings grow and use learning throughout life, a requirement of life as of nature. Use of thought maintains the structure and quality of thought effectively by taking the conscious responsibility for how growth and learning are achieved. Many people want to go out and learn and grow and develop into better human beings, some people who make a living out of it. For some individuals every qualification they can get is chosen, they’re learning, growing and developing themselves. Having clarity on life are the people who continually learn, grow and use information to the best, taking conscious responsibility for use that learning and growth gives to help themselves others. We contribute to the outside world using that learning and growth. Starting in a comfort zone we grow, within that comfort zone we’re aware of all that's going transpiring. With experience here we generally know what's occurring even outside the comfort zone which could be completely new with our opportunity to grow. Some experiences can be fantastic to enjoy, love, not all are separate, some are problems but there is time for growth. Experience if chosen is how we learn and grow and develop new skills. When new skills are practiced, that new knowledge practiced internally or outside is practiced keeping it flowing naturally. When talking about how to communicate with others practicing the skills make them natural to us. When leading people they may sense if you're uncomfortable, in the back of their mind. As those words are being said but he doesn't really believe in the best results, so we need to make it natural through practice even with some mistakes being un-used to something. Conscious responsibility can be an individual who made a mistake and doesn’t try anymore, that being misplaced self-worth and a need for more skill practice. Those taking conscious responsibility for their lives look at mistakes they've made, and they evaluate them. They take time to reorganize improving what happened moving forward understanding. As a leader a leader of yourself and others there is a conscious responsibility to take the mistakes reevaluating to learn and grow from of it. Within in a group of people you lead if they make mistakes, you as the leader have the conscious responsibility to say we need to evaluate what's going on there and can we improve so it doesn't happen next time. Within that you help them to grow, learn and as well as yourself, don't give up. You go back and practice even evaluate all the time where you'll make more mistakes, but you'll make fewer mistakes. Virtually no mistakes indicate it's becoming more natural, we develop confidence and are competently skilled and that's how life works. Any skill we choose to if we choose to practice, evaluate learn and grow and practice and more. Life is about continually growing.
Section 3: Leadership & Development - Thought Processing & Perspectives 6. Leadership & Development - Thought Processing & Perspectives Intro
We’ll discuss the thought process of us as human beings and how it works. We look at how decision-making works and how you can be a better decision maker. We're going to look at where those decisions and where those unconscious patterns are. Where they come from and how we can eradicate them how we can expand minds, our lives and where we can go and get that from. We’ll look in the decision-making process and explain how you can take conscious responsibility for those thoughts for those decisions. Let's look at the thought process and how decision-making works and how we can say conscious control responsibility for that decision making.
Section 3: Leadership & Development - Thought Processing & Perspectives 7. Leadership & Development - Thought Process & Decision Making
Let's look at how the thought process and decision-making works in our minds. We have experienced every moment of every day. When we experience as human beings, we experience everything through our senses. We see, hear, feel, taste and always smell it. That's how the human body takes in information for those experiences. We use all senses or any of them at any point. You're also looking at a plate of food, ready to taste or feel it, or maybe if it's a hot you can hear it popping and crackling as well. We take everything in through those senses and transfer that into language. That's how we make sense of everything. Before that it goes through a filtering system. The filtering system in our mind is to keep us safe, sane and keeping hold of our sanity. Daily we receive thousands if not millions of parts of information for different experiences coming into our bodies through those senses. An example is, if I said to you now can you feel your left foot on the inside of your shoe? You didn't notice it before did you. Knowing it was there, the body has taken the information up into your brain as a part of sensory experience from your touch, filtered into your brain and now is gone. That's how we work. We can be seeing things in peripheral vision when visuals get through the filter, that's when we start to turn it into language. We start to understand and put a language barrier to it. What happens is as we take information in, and we have a choice to make. Some people don't make that choice, they let everything go in and then react. Or it's just a natural reaction, yes that's their natural reaction. There’s a choice, our conscious mind comes before unconscious while we are awake. Many people let the unconscious push through the conscious mind and take over, without taking the conscious responsibility of choice. We have a choice consciously to do three things. We can ignore information; we can see the object slightly to the outside. If really needed to know I can consciously choose to ignore that, if an individual is approaching the door, then I couldn't really ignore it. Then it's time to take an action. Those are considerations, choices of reaction to thought and that's how we make decisions in this world. Something happens to us. We have the conscious opportunity to ignore what's going on because it doesn't apply to us, then we ignore it. If we take time to properly decide in life, we choose to consider what's occurring, before we take an action to include ourselves. We'll talk about language and how we create meanings in the future, as that's what we do when we consider the language of our unspoken thoughts. With our questions we start to place meanings, then decide if there is an action we need. If you're a business leader, leading a 50-person team and one of them does something incorrect by choice consciously. Initially there are any number of things you could do. Or you can consider what actions to take first, you could choose to find out more about why they would do that. Regarding their training. freedom to think for themselves, right for the job position, more assistance needed, attention time sharing. If they’ve forced attention, yes people sometimes do that. As a leader you may not have time to go. Should I go? Then I shouldn't have to go and act, however as a leader of yourself and of people, you determine the most appropriate response with all considerations. If something happened you can't ignore then whatever the considerations, if it is ignored then you are not that leader for a resolution. Possibly something brilliant this happened. If one of your team is outstanding creating a working experience beyond normal job description, you see and need to recognize that. With a fitting appreciation an award acknowledgement being specific. That is an appropriate decision reaction from a leader. That is about decision making and how we make decisions. If the time schedule for awards is ignored, then the appreciation opportunity is over. When we can't ignore, then we consider and always act on it, that being clarity of decision making. Considerations with appropriate action is how we decide in our mind. When you have an experience, you know you need to react to. You know you need to take an action or think first, consider first. If it’s a high-level being life or death, action is needed for the circumstances, to maintain life. Consider first, that's how we make proper mature decisions in this life.
Section 3: Leadership & Development - Thought Processing & Perspectives 8. Leadership & Development - Opening Internal Perspectives
We're making decisions the choices we make in our lives, in the thought process we go through to decide, regarding something occurring. But deciding about the experiences that are coming to us and the way feeling through our senses we have the unique experience of being able to choose our perspective. We all have our own individual perspective on life. Your perspective on life will be completely different. My perspective on life because of growing up in different areas, parents, upbringings, schooling that reflects different lives. Twins have different perspectives on life to each other due to their own experience in their own way. Their parents may think they're bringing them up identically, yet they all have different experience, emotions, feelings different to who they are compared to their brother or sister. We all have our own perspectives, sight and views of life, we can use those perspectives. The human mind is unique. Perspectives are used to create situations to find out how we're going to react to them, we can create perspectives in two different ways. We can create them internally and externally, then we can grow our perspectives and look at things from a different perspective. There are three main internal perspectives used, a head, heart and our gut. With the gut, if you have ever worked from awareness instinct, said yes, you are insisting that it will happen. That’s working from your gut as you probably heard about. Or that's just your gut telling you something's going to happen. Your gut tells you something's going to go wrong. Structured wavelengths may really be attuned to, work well and get in the gut instincts. Some people may work completely from their gut on instinct with its process behind it. That's how we work from the gut, an attention notice of instinct. From the perspective of our heart generally the heart tells us the truth. From a point of truth, a point of emotion the point of knowing what's going on, through how we feel, how heart tells us the truth. When we focus from the heart, we can know the truth about a situation. When we can see to the point of what we feel of how we feel about it, and then how we can react to it. We can work from the head, the mind from the brain. Our brain tends to be a bit more analytical. The brain contains all the past structured experiences of past references from your life and can create memories that possibly aren’t there. Have there been times going into a situation when you've created additional input, that just wasn't real. If walking into a job interview, an intrusive thought may occur to you, I’ll have to arrange my application area. When that’s not part of the follow through procedure. You get the job; the brain can overreact and apply things creating even fear before you get there. When we work from the perspective of the brain as analytical thinking about what's going on, we switch perspectives. Something's occurred and you want to understand it from different perspectives. Simply actions that take the step, put your hands at the reaction point. From the gut with hands on my gut I'm thinking from my gut. My instincts telling me what my gut is telling me about this situation. As your brain works its way down it will get a heart reaction. Thinking emotionally from a place of truth with hands on your heart think ok. My heart tells me truth about this situation, which is from my heart an emotional perspective of the situation’s truth. Thinking about your head with hands on your head my brain is telling me about this. I don't analyze it well however I think about it. Remember practice makes your understood presentation flow more naturally. Without hand placement you can think about three different perspectives quite easily. Ask yourself what's my gut telling me, what's my heart telling me, that my head has reacted to this whole event. Thought process analyzing is happening as you ask yourself those questions and you come from three different perspectives. It’s best to focus on one perspective at a time, coordinating your findings then focus on something else. Write down results of one thought process think about it then write and write the three different perspectives down. Then you can integrate them concluding with a considered reaction. Remember how something occurs and consider it before you take any action, appropriately from different perspectives. One considered perspective is not the complete event. If individuals study their work or their instincts only, they haven’t added the input of knowledge for emotion or the analytical side. If only worked from the analytical there isn’t the assist of heart the hope of emotion. They have an incompletion. Instinct from all three places factors in for you making a better choice, considering the three perspectives and then working through to find the action, a better outcome. Those are the internal perspective processes.
Section 3: Leadership & Development - Thought Processing & Perspectives 9. Leadership & Development - Opening External Perspectives
Our human brain has an amazing ability to shift into different perceptual positions or different perspectives to see, hear and feel from a completely different position. If someone says something that you don't like for some reason, so you don't like how you react to it. Suddenly a heated debate starts, if you shift positions in your mind, ask yourself how and what they see in the situation. What were they feeling, thinking? View from their point of view, consider words they were saying to you but without any emotion attached to it. Attach your emotions to attach their emotions to it. See yourself from their perspective. Interestingly about external perspectives, we don't have to have been involved in the conversation, could be an observer. look at it from a completely emotionless point of view, you have no vested emotion in that disassociated perspective point. This gives you a completely different look sound feel to that conversation and how you reacted, giving you more clarity. Just put yourself in somebody else's shoes or social space, or someone you like, love and respect who sat there watching the conversation from an emotionless point of view as an observer how they see it. This is so powerful to allow you to make appropriate decisions on actions to make appropriate decisions on the information the experiences that come in here. Again, if you are in the role of a leader in any sort of organization or business or whatever, something may happen that you need to take consideration rather than just acting to the most powerful way. That gains your perspective of the people by talking to them also to gain different perspectives from you or from your own point of view. What does your gut tell you, your heart to your head tells you when you've gathered all perspectives possible? Then you can make a properly informed decision. It's a powerful thing to use is to move yourself into the different perspective because it gives you a wider view of that situation and therefore you can make a better decision. Moving forward rather than just coming from your perspective, whether you use your head, heart or guts one perspective is not most effective. Always choose to use more perspectives.
Section 3: Leadership & Development - Thought Processing & Perspectives 10. Leadership & Development - Expanded References
Physically we can store hard copies of reference in a file cabinet. When thinking back to a specific event you may know the dates because you know it's someone’s birthday on that reference day. Now you can focus in on that day and remember some of what happened depending on specific references. In thought we compile comparable experiences together. If there have been two or three similar bad experiences, they will be in one file without reference. Taking that file out you can review two or three separate bad experiences, then that's a bad experience with the experience. The experience has been bad, and you never want to go and reflect on that again. You put that back choosing something as a good experience you've enjoyed, with possibly two or more of those experiences and all their parts are in the reference file. When referencing through you conclude that when you do reflect for a specific thing, that experience is a good thing. Can the bad experience be looked at in a different way with different ways for a better outcome for whatever needs? That experience type may be a good thing as it applies to someone else’s needs they enjoy often. Is there an alternate means to complete a need or event to be an enjoyable experience working for you? When your references are expanded that immediately adds expansion to your life, from bad, better and even good. You could approach differently with an attitude for quality options into your life experience. If the choice or experience is bad with the references even if it can benefit our lives, then we can still just take the action to avoid it. If we take action to consider, to consider finding other references that would counteract bad references, we see taking actions expanding references in life expands our lives. This is proper conscious responsible decisions for our lives, not just our initial references but finding new references for our life’s expansion. Combine that, looking from a different perspective. You could consider replacing one of those files with a good perspective reference. This assists finding our best way in life not just reacting to where we've been before. Past does not indicate who we are or our future. Our conscious responsible defines and indicates where our future can be. Different perspectives build different references for a different experience as conscious responsibility. When we do that being conscious responsible, we become a leader of ourselves by choice. Not to just react but change your perspectives, references leading you to life that will direct you to becoming a leader of yourself, then a leader of others.
Section 3: Leadership & Development - Thought Processing & Perspectives 11. Leadership & Development - The Search for Truth
We discussed the decision-making process. We've talked about how we take all experiences in, filter, then how we have a choice to ignore or act on, to consider things. We've discussed how to look for perspectives, to choose from different internal perspectives of our head. Our heart and our guts, we've looked at how to view different people's perspectives, from the observer's point of view. We talked about references we've built up and how we store them away. In that order, we also store them together as references of good and bad, happy, joyful and what are achievements. Then bring that together as a true leader of self and people is a seeker of the truth. The only truth for a leader is the truth of what's inside. Truth always expanding we all always voice striving to find a truth of self from an internal reflection of who we are. Using our perspectives of head, heart and guts to get to where we want to be, who we are, how we want to live, choose to live, who and what we are as people. Then we become seekers of the truth if we experience the outside world not reflecting inside than we just react to the world. The world is ruling if we react from the inside. If we reflect from inside into the world, then we become seekers of the truth and the leaders to the world. I'm talking about being a leader of people or of just yourself. The way forward is to see the truth, of who you are at your core, any situation that comes to you is considering that truth, how you can react to it. Internal reflect on every conversation from all aspects and different perspectives. Truth comes from a continual want and need to grow as a human intellectually as well as spiritually. This course is about leadership and leading and developing the self. Until you learn to lead and develop yourself you can never lead and develop others. Historic leaders knew how to lead themselves emotionally, from a point of thought and reaction. How to seek truth in themselves before looking to the outside world. Lead from within, find truth from within, of who you are what you want to be. To become or just stay where you are, let life react to you, let you react to life and just carry on. Or to become a seeker of an internal truth, seeking growth, expansion and to contribute to the world knowing who you are. Seek the working factual truth internally first about who you are who you want to be.
Section 4: Leadership & Development - Communication Skills 12. Leadership & Development - Communication Skills Intro
In this section of leadership and development of self we will discuss communication skills and how we effectively communicate to ourselves and effectively to the world and people we are trying to lead. We will discuss language internally, how we communicate internally. Then how we can use language more effectively to control how we feel to control our emotions and our reactions. We're going to look at the language patterns people use, particularly language we use to be more effective with people. We look at how we use language specifically to affect people, and the way they talk so that we can be more effective speaking to them. We will discuss how to become a more effective communicator to yourself and the outside world. First to understand how you communicate to yourself and how to take control of communication.
Section 4: Leadership & Development - Communication Skills 13. Leadership & Development - Using Internal language
We take all our experiences in through our senses, then we turn them into language. We use Language in our thought process and that's how we create how references and our perspectives, our truths about life and our truths aren't always true. Now let me say that again our truce on all was true. And that's why in the last video of the last section I talked about a constant reflection of yourself to find out if your truths are true. To find out if what you believe is true or just what you've come to believe over time by looking at different perspectives and references on the world, we can change what we believe because we see things from a different point. Now when we communicate to ourselves, we have specific patterning in what we use. Within that pattern we can make changes about how we lead our selves. We have experiences that come out to us through our senses. We hear, see, feel, smell and taste them immediately turning them into language. We start with Language as that's how the brain works, a language comes out as questions. We are constantly asking ourselves positive or negative questions. We ask ourselves empowering or disempowering questions. From those questions come answers, the human brain creates answers to questions, you can automatically help answer them. Whatever the question is. we automatically answer it, our answers always reflect a question. If we ask a negative question we get a negative answer, if an empowering question we get a coordinated answer. Humans create meaningful sense of situations and experience in life. Then know the meaning you create from something that happens for a positive bond of certainty in created language. If we want to change our beliefs to shift from negative resulting conditions, we then create empowering language meanings. We need to do the boy having better answers than what we need to do. We ask ourselves better questions to use better language as we then affect everything for the quality of life. References together in bad, good, happy, depressive situations are formed from questions of the answers. These are meanings we created, the certainty, beliefs we created and became our references. To expand your references, quality life change growth in your questions, then get different references, experience examples to get different perspectives on life. If you want to be a leader of self and a leader of others start with the questions and language you use to yourself, they are so important to us.
Section 4: Leadership & Development – Communication 14. Leadership & Development - The Power of Questions
The best idea is to shift away from negative and toward the more empowering, into solution-based questions. Life may not be easy and can be a challenge, this is so you can grow and that you can lead. We give our minds freedom, direction and time to look for a positive solution to live and enjoy life to the fullest. Working at life is putting effort in and taking actions that you have to keep going, learning from any problems. What are the key core questions you keep asking yourself? Think of a solution-based alternative to those questions, so you can shift away from those current questions into solution-based questions. Then that's when you consciously choose to ask solution-based questions. You are becoming a leader of self because you have become a leader of your thoughts, answers, meanings, beliefs and answers. When you become a leader of self then you can become a leader of other people. Replace your questions, think consciously every day when that question occurs, ask the question with an answer instead. You can provide yourself with many better answers, solutions and provide yourself with higher quality life.
Section 4: Leadership & Development – Communication 15. Leadership & Development - Language Types & Patterns
How we speak to ourselves and how we communicate with others is through all our life experiences through our senses of sight smell, taste, hearing and touch. We have three primary languages that we use. We tend not to talk in the way of talking in taste or in smell, but we do talk using three languages. Of whom was communicating when learning to speak, developing into a communication that type of language to communicate effectively with people. There is a visual language to see the bigger picture for a deep look into something as a good view or overview of something. With the language of science, they use the language of vision with words for a pictured view. Auditory is what we hear, how listening skills of people talking in the artistic music-based manner of listening to thoughts of others. It's about hearing, listening to get in tune to the language of others, the language they may use. Kinesthetic is about how we touch and feel our emotion, expressing through feelings and emotion. Kinesthetic people express themselves through a feelings and emotions point of view rather than a Vision point of view. Conversation one who's talking vision the one who is talking from a kinesthetic point of view may struggle understanding although they don't know why they're struggling. Consider them if you are speaking the same language and language pattern, they're being taught in different language patterns. To identify types of people using this language use your listening skills to understand which of these patterns they’re using. Visual people can be upbeat, speak quickly, having many ideas to get to the point. This gets them an overview, being higher paced they may speak quickly. and move along I move along. All three groups move but don't talk quite as loud or twice as quickly as visual people. Talking in a rhythm as they speak, almost musical to express content and hear great ideas. Kinesthetic people consider their words slower and softer with their emotions to feel, getting a good sense of the experience. Somebody who is visual wants to paint a picture and keep it speaking having high energy to get in touch with this person they're trying to paint a picture for. This person who's kinesthetic and who is just seeing, a blur of words having no meaning, feeling or an empathy for the world. You see where the level of understanding may not be for differences in communication styles. For visual basic level, a kinesthetic or an auditory base level, interaction is not quite the same between languages. As a leader you need to discern which of these three you primarily use and which one you use the most. Do you find yourself as visually, auditory or a kinesthetic presentation and using which one the most. Which do you prefer as a communication style knowing about words you use daily? Then think about developing the other language areas to identify when someone's speaking to you in one of those patterns. You can then communicate back to them in those patterns, so they understand what you're saying, and you understand what they're saying creating a bond. A good leader knows how to express themselves in all three areas knows how to listen, respond and feel seeing the complete view. Think about some words in each of these three different language patterns you use on a regular basis. Your word ideas can help you identify the three differences from areas of your own to then recognize it. Practice when you're not used to them, to how you communicate to others and lead others. Knowing your own to develop others creates a leader in you and leader of others.
Section 4: Leadership & Development – Communication 16. Leadership & Development - Listening Skills
As a rule, people want to be heard and understood. Listening and able to listen to understand is crucial for that person building a connection with you, to lead someone, they need to trust you. If they don't think you're listening and understanding them, they can never trust you. Put your perspectives, references to one side and being present for that person. To listen and understand the difference between effective listening, and ineffective listening is listening rather than just listening to respond. We don’t want to miss the crucial point. Have a conversation knowing what they're trying to convey of thoughts and meanings to you, absolutely know their perspective, what they're talking about. A leader listens to understand and is focused on that person in front of them 100 percent on purpose. It's showing a level of care, compassion. respect for that person in front of you. As a leader, somebody else knows they are going to be listened to and understood, then you create a follower to a leader. You’ve created a team member to team leader a special bond, and someone who can follow where you lead. When you get the opportunity to respond, take a few seconds to respond in an effective way to them how they are communicating, with you communicating back to them. With every conversation listen to that language information pattern whether it's visual, auditory or kinesthetic listen to understand. Your time for thought processing might gain more information, as someone else may add further information. You get a chance to consider and then choose the appropriate action/response.
Section 5: Leadership & Development - Emotional Choices 17. Leadership & Development - Emotional Choices Intro
We discuss what creates emotion within us and choices to create appropriate empowering emotions. Those we enjoy and less negative emotions to choose the appropriate emotion at the appropriate moments. With the truth of emotional patterns then you can help others to create that emotion too. When you know how to break the emotional response, lessen it or remove it from your life you can help others do that. Then choosing the right emotions we want and need in our lives by the moment or situation, is the sign of a leader knowing how to choose. Knowing how to not burst into anger, get frustrated, depressed, sad or excited when it's not appropriate. The best leaders know how to lead themselves in this.
Section 5: Leadership & Development - Emotional Choices 18. Leadership & Development - The Emotional Circle
There is always a physical association to every emotion or physical association. How we use our bodies, our physiology creates an emotional response creating a physical association. When an individual is happy, joyful and excited with matching physical stance, what does their physiology look like? Do they look like they're full of energy, happy, joyful an excited person? What would their physical association be, and their physiology look like? Then there's somebody who's depressed, what is their physical association, how is their body being presented? Are they droopy looking tired, and just looking down, their face, down to the shoulders on hunch back? Is their posture one of Energy one of brightness? No. There's someone who's angry, frustrated with something, it doesn't matter what the physical association. Many have felt those emotions and we all know what the physical association is to them. If you feel the emotion in your body, you can create emotion for your mind and your brain, this is scientifically proved. What happens is when your mind feels emotion it sends a stream of chemical peptides down into your body. They connect with it every single cell in your body and chemically change every single cell in your body so that it feels emotion. In reverse If we use our bodies to create something different, we use our bodies to create energy by being energy we create happiness. Add in or an excited feeling with our body we create in our mind as well, working both ways. Notice what you're doing with your physiology, change it with a walk, jog, run or bike ride or listen to music. Change your physical association and this change’s how you feel. Things that we pay attention to when we're feeling a certain emotion, you become where focus energy flows. If you focus on some great things from your life when you are joyful, happy, when you are loved and cared for, the times when you felt completely amazing. If you focus on those points in your life, you pay attention to them. Through our senses and language, our questions create the meaning for situations we encounter. And if we ask the right solution-based questions, we can create the right meanings. if we ask negative and disempowering questions those meanings are created with those feelings and emotions. Focus on having the right physical association using your physiology in the right way, then use the language you write questions about of how to continue to feel so amazing. Use all of that together for more excitement joy and fulfillment in life. That is what a leader wants to create for the right time, the emotions that are going to be more valuable to you, for in control in those moments. A solution of those emotions will be a valuable tool to you in those times. As a leader you're what you portray, your team feels if you portray strength, understanding, confidence and driven action to come with you. You have the conscious responsibility to take control of your emotions and fuel the ones you choose to feel empowering. Not the ones that want to choose to engage in your life that don’t permit your forward momentum.
Section 5: Leadership & Development - Emotional Choices 19. Leadership & Development - The Right State v 'A' Right State
The right state is a place you are in when you are on top of your experience, when you are feeling great and when you can see overall. Our physical association, to the emotion, of our focus, number three within the emotional circle. Language and questions we use are of the meanings we create. As we know how to create emotions, we can also break down negative and disempowering emotions. Now knowing how emotions are formed, we can take Conscious Responsibility for our emotional states to ensure we are in The Right State when needed. If we find ourselves slipping into A Right State, whether fear, anxiety, depression, anger, frustration or any other disempowering state, we can break the patterns that create that state. To break the patterns of these emotional states we must enter each section of the emotional circle. The opposite of the pattern that runs that negative state is used. To change our physical state from one of those disempowering emotions we move our physiology differently. Walk, jog, run, a bike ride, exercise immediately or play music. That immediately can change physiology and provides the start to feeling better! Being in A Right State is having the tendency to be drawn to and focus on negative things, thought of or constructed possibilities. Shift attention that shifts emotions by thinking of happy times, exciting, loving and caring times. Think of gratitude of life for however big or small, the shift of focus into good things, as gratitude moves our emotional state. Combined with moving your physiology helps to remove negative emotion. Language with the power of questions we ask ourselves, can determine the course of life. Have empowering, solution-based questions ready gives the opportunity of an immediate shift in language patterns to being more useful. Asking better questions gives better answers for a better emotional state. The quicker patterns are shifted by employing text suggestions often, the quicker the exchange away from negative emotional patterns. As a leader, discover with replacement how to choose emotional states to be in, The Right State at the right time!
Section 5: Leadership & Development - Emotional Choices 20. Leadership & Development - Maturity
Emotional intelligence or emotional IQ. has some starting points for emotional intelligence so that you may be emotionally intelligent in your life. Emotional intelligence is thought maturity of choice and of emotion. We’ll look at those individually. When we can ignore, we can consider or act which is the maturity of thought, when you learn to consider first. You don't act or react to situations; you stop and consider, that is a maturity of thought process. With maturity of thought we consider what we question, how and that is the maturity of choice. Choice comes through questions. What options do I have, the best way to react to get the best result out of this situation. How can I make this situation better. The questions we use give choice; maturity of choice is asking the right questions for the right answers. With maturity of emotion that is an occurrence of any situation, that can be good, bad or indifferent. The maturity of emotion is not just reacting with a counter emotion or getting angry because something is going wrong. It is not getting depressed over something gone wrong or frustrated because it's not going right. Maturity of emotion is the most appropriate action and emotion to be feeling at that time. Whatever area leaders are in, public service, of a country, business or leading a family all great leaders are not at the point of an emotional reaction. Emotional intelligence is the best to do, having maturity of emotion then the most appropriate reaction. Know the most appropriate emotion needed at that moment. In moments of crisis when things aren't going right, those people who show the greatest emotional maturity stand out as leaders. They are the ones that say maintain. There's no need being fearful, angry, frustrated, depressed or sad at that time. At the time right now could be driven, thoughtful and possibly action focused. Timely whatever needed that's positive and orientated solution based as how we control where the emotion is going. As the growing leader you now are of self, have and develop maturity of thought, choice and emotion with the advancing process. Develop your emotional IQ and emotional intelligence that enables you to proceed. At this point the most appropriate whether reaction of thought, choice or emotion is what makes leaders great self-leaders in a life of their belief choice. If that's what you choose to make yourself a great leader of self and great leader of others start the development growth process. With a level of emotional intelligence, we keep growing as human beings and growing in a spiritual sense. Practice learning assists to self-reflect where we need growth improvement in areas of our lives. Realize where emotional intelligence advancement is needed to be most effective in lead of self to be a leader of others.
Section 6: Leadership & Development - Emotional Behaviors and Needs 21. Leadership & Development - Emotional Behaviors and Needs Intro
Welcome into the final section of this course on leadership and development of the self to advance and lead and develop others. We will discuss emotional behaviors and needs and why people do what they do. There is also shortcut information to happiness the fulfillment of yourself or anyone else you choose to share this information with. Let's look at the behaviors first shall we. I'll be yours if you have done any work with no pay. Tacitly assumed beforehand at the beginning of a course of action of Leadership principals is that every behavior has a positive intent. Possibly there may not have been positive outcome to another's activity behavior, regarding an uninformed opponent engaged in dangerous or life-threatening activity even though their behavior was motivated by sustaining their life needs. We all have emotional needs, and all our behaviors meet those emotional needs in some way. Emotional needs the realization begins operating a pattern that must meet needs of individual psyche or security. They meet needs in positive empowering ways or possibly, negative ways. These are the needs of the soul and of the spirits for how we live with fulfillment choices that not everyone takes. These needs are for change, importance and enhancing connection with other people, met in some way, shape or form. Individuals have a need for change, in variety because the situation's ever changing. If you're completely present with someone, their variety and change can be fulfilling their need for variety. If you're not present with them a considerable amount of time, then this won't completely change experience with a variety of experience. If you don’t have the opportunity to be completely present, this is your form of variety or change of environment meet that need. Your importance of completely loving one to another, connected through a love bond. You're connected through a bond you have. Those needs are met in positive ways too. Fulfilling our lives is the need and want to learn and keep growing. With under use or neglect learning and growth stop. Growth can be a need for need giving help, teaching and training others and coaching leading others to the right path. A leader leads people to the right direction, to accomplish what needs to be done. Study enhances confidence connecting belief in what is learned to feel secure in expressing opinions of a topic to engage in conversations.
Section 6: Leadership & Development - Emotional Behaviors and Needs 22. Leadership & Development - Emotional Behaviors and Needs Explained pt1
Do you focus on security of the certainty, the awareness of what's going on, to always regulate a situation as much as possible? Or do you feel a need for change, something different to learn, experience new things or some excitement in your life which comes first? It doesn't matter which one comes first there are no right or wrongs here. As an effective leader know what drives you daily. One of these will overcome the other in your emotional needs, it's good to know which one of those it is. That's the one that drives you daily, of those top two really develop and drive our lives. These are points to work on when we're focusing on the top four. Practice helps our ability to access information rapidly and automatically, freeing our brains to process more challenging information and problems. Frequently practicing skills over time improves performance by increased signal speed between brain neurons, known as action potentials.
Section 6: Leadership & Development - Emotional Behaviors and Needs 23. Leadership & Development - Emotional Behaviors and Needs Explained pt1
We’ll discuss importance and connection importance; those are two that conflict each other. With importance they can feel the need in any positive ways or negative ways. Indicated by an individuality to signific importance of achiever, world rule, education, top business and stand above the crowd informing all about their accomplishments. In connection importance we understand we also have a need for connection to be part of a group to feel loved, part of a team and of something special. We all have that need. If you consider having a need for security and the need for change, with these two they are the same. One of these might stand out for you. Connection a much more valuable resource to being part of something, gives security certainty being part of something special. Characteristics and qualities of a good leader are integrity, ability to delegate, communication, self-awareness, gratitude, learning agility, influence and empathy.
Section 6: Leadership & Development - Emotional Behaviors and Needs 24. Leadership & Development - Emotional Behaviors and Needs Explained pt3
We have a conscious responsibility to choose within behaviors and needs. regarding how we meet them. To understand if we're meeting our needs in negative or positive ways. Every day we should strive to be the best version of ourselves, improved from the day before to a better version of ourselves. Making the slightest increase or a huge increase in who we are as an individual. We grow by learning intellectually by taking courses, going to round tables, reading books or just the choice of the individual to grow spiritually in soul and heart as there should always be growth. This can include sharing, contributions to the world in some way outside of ourselves. As a leader contribution comes by you leading others and helping others to develop themselves, by being a leader and developer of others. Where you're leading and developing yourself through learning and growing, through contributing you allow others to have the freedom to grow. Giving outside of ourselves contributes to the greater good whether through society or through leading others. Those are choices you have. If you meet all these needs you could have a fulfilled life with security, level of importance and significance you have in your life. You choose the level of connection. A short cut if focused on two or three of those and they would help fulfill the others going in the right direction. Continually learning and growing, giving back to others there's some change and variety expanding in your life. In connections whatever you feel is important to them is what they feel important to you. I'm guessing they do. You have a conscious responsibility of knowing how to drive your own emotional needs and emotional behaviors. you can make others feel important in a positive way. Are they going to connect to you and follow you as their leader? They're going to feel that connection you work with them on their level, and they will follow you as a leader. Your tools give you opportunity to grow into the great leader of self so that you can be a leader of others.
Course Reading Downloads on Leadership as available.
Leadership, Organizational effectiveness, Organizational change, Management
Preparing for leadership : what it takes to take the lead
Leadership : understanding the dynamics of power and influence in organizations
Section 7 Leadership and Development – Final Thoughts 25. Leadership & Development - Final Thoughts
We've come to the end of this course. I'm incredibly appreciative that you chose me to be your guide, instructor, mentor, teacher and your coach on this course to being a great leader of self to leading and developing yourself, so you can go on and lead and develop others. We've discussed how we think about things, our thought process and discovery that we can choose to ignore what's coming at us. We can choose to just act. We can choose to consider what we're going to do first. You have the tools the knowledge and the skills now. Practice on yourself get to know you get to know your thought process and how it works. The more leaders we have of country and this world a better place this world will be. Lead yourself, lead others and possibly create a new leaders.
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A fully Accredited Leadership & Development of Self to Lead & Develop Others Course/ Teacher - Certification This comprehensive course is for new and aspiring leaders who want to learn and develop their leadership skills in any area of life. Discover core Leadership principles that give the world's greatest leaders the edge when it came to leading others. Take direct responsibility for your own Leadership and Development. What you’ll learn - Take direct responsibility for your own Leadership and Development, find out why we, as human beings, do what we do and how that can influence you in Leadership. This Leadership and Development course focusses on developing the skills that ensure you know who you are and how you lead your own thoughts, communication and emotions in any situation. It will give you real life, workable tools and strategies that will help you develop into the type of leader you want to be for yourself and others.
As a practicing professional with liability coverage always, depending, some accreditation affiliations may ask for Certification or other verification for status.Which provides an identifying professional level of training and establishes a professional identity. For display as client support. Indicating the International certifying organizations quality of their training programs and membership standards. As a teacher you are responsible for designing/generating and issuing your own TR Leadership & Development of Self to Lead & Develop Others Course/ Teacher certificate to others and to maintain your own practitioner database and website.