About Me

Janett Wawrzyniak, Ph.D., is a Metatronia therapist through the Metatronia Foundation of Light (MTFOL). The MTFOL is an accredited and approved global training organization. Janett is assisting through Metatronia Source vibration in the light evolutionary process. Janett is a Higher Center Communicator & Scribe as a path link with the Divine Universal Light as Psychic Teacher, Alchemical Energist, and High Quantum Energy Healer. Janett offers training and assists those on their Ascension Journey path of enlightenment to know for themselves, the Divine truth through the light of the One Source and Universal Coding at Metatron Attunements - Divine Alignments Healing -Attunements, Distant by Source Light,
Listed are some of my Psychic history description examples to current experience. Many human experiences are universal across time.
Metatronia, words related to text are mentioned {MT, Metatronia} in brackets.
While silently feeling if there is close or distant activity, to identify proximity, movement, having experienced or recognize closer working frequencies, I know what it is and intercept the wavelength. Shared examples are the felt electromagnetic storm disturbance and warmth from the sun. I notice activity differences whether they are few or many, mild or intense all of them can be significant. I know the purpose of many presented objects without having seen them before.
Some objects in space are obscured by earth's atmosphere. Seen or not realized, each moving object is unique with its composition, and levels of electromagnetic effects. Earth and its inhabitants experience being affected by electromagnetic activity daily. Observed or not, unique objects with their activity continues with each factor. Those objects observed have been given expected determinations of limits, their definitions.
When I am Silent or not, if the frequency seems to feel directed and adverse {MT density}, I don’t interact with it. A recognized felt surround, and distance of fast higher deflecting energy {MT Source} continually activated, is repeated by me. Higher energy does engage actively if I consciously connect or not. I have always heard, look for and follow the light, to the destination a choice.
In my silence a request is composed directed or not with Creator/Originator {MT Source} receiving, a response from Creator {MT Source} does follow, with information becoming available. Light has much continual activity and I think of it daily surrounding myself with all possible Light and Archangel Metatron.
My sleep recalled dream imagery by waking, is advancing into higher frequency through healing change from task obstacles. Recalled colors, motion, and faces are active resulting in health, physical well-being, and balance. Higher frequency an electromagnetic energy I recognize affects all aspects of daily living.
I think of my dog at times, and she comes to be near me even if she is not in the same room. She is treated like my dog child; I have known her since she was born.
Regarding daily living, how one defines words and applies that to activities, groups, continued results, could indicate direction and final outcomes. However, some individuals become aware of impending factors about those close to them while distances apart. That is different from the public perception of a general psychic.
My interests, studies, course completions and certifications include Specialist Metatronia Metaphysician Attunement, Goddess Metatreiya Energy Trainer Attunement (Archangel Metatron & Goddess Metatreiya), Specialist Metatronia Child Practitioner Attunement, Specialist Metatronia Light Counsellor Attunement, MT Animal Practitioner Attunement, MT Intitutive Healer Training, MT Complete Lightworker Training, MT Psychic Enhancement Training, MT Oracle Reading Training, MT Healer/Practitioner Distant Attunement Level I, MT Master Distant Attunement Level II, MT Therapist and Massage Practitioner Attunement, MT Online Healing Retreat Vibrational Alignment to Source, MT Source Light Attunement - Inclusive Leadership, - Every week I distantly receive vibrational upgrades through Source Light integration. Continuing particular affecting regarding the electromagnetic process that electromagnetic (invisible) is the wavelength and carrier (bringer/holder) of its next result in the process being (light photonics-a particle - the low density that people consisting of particles feel). An advantage of an individual keeping the highest frequency wavelength variation is not being swept away (included) in a particle separation into ever-shrinking zone areas (for them the only dense lower sustaining livable areas for their self-chosen compositions). As multiple universe sections increasingly raise in frequency vibration (not left out-factored in). - Janett Wawrzyniak. The light works on healing, vibrational alignment, especially mental body, physical body, emotional body. There is no separation, so my whole vessel is aligned in ever-expanding Light. Beyond the thought processes of separated consciousness, there lies the truth of my Being. My vessel once again, begins to dance in the sacred geometries of the eternal light. The energetic upgrades are continuous and greatly assist my alignment, awakening and ascending journey. I am connecting in with the conscious and most intelligent life-force that is Source. The energy that knows uniquely, what is required to assist me on my journey of energetic expansion and light evolution. A message from the Trinity Masters of Light at this time. Guiding me to find that sacred space within that brings me back to my center of divine receptivity. (The Trinity Masters of Light who help with all aspects of Ascension are Archangel Metatron, Jesus and Thoth). - Please visit the main Metatronia website for details on Goddess Metatreiya Practitioner Training & Services https://www.metatronia.com/goddess-metatreiya.html MTFOL is a global Metaphysical Training Foundation Accredited & Approved Training Provider. MTFOL works through Source Light to assist the light evolution of Mankind. Full details regarding Metatronia Therapy, can be found on the Official website: www.metatronia.com The Foundation provides a safe, nurturing and supportive environment to facilitate personal and spiritual growth on all levels.
Metatronia Planetary Realms Energy Cards - From Source vibration unique Light coding’s stream from each planet and star. They assist in awakening, aligning, and ascension journey. The cards are created with the vibrational assistance of Archangel Metatron, Jesus, and Thoth the Trilogy Masters of Light, who eternally assist our Light evolutionary process and journey. Inclusive Leadership
Metatronia Healing Cards - Have a frequency within the symbols and shapes that bring healing and vibrational alignment in all aspects. Stay with them until vibration settles and aligns. The healing Light comes from Archangel Metatron (Source) and is an immensely powerful, intelligent, and conscious energy. These cards move to reunite with the soul’s true purpose and raise vibration in line with the light evolutionary process, assisting your Divine journey. Cards are revealed with Source Intelligence most needed at that specific point in time. Inclusive Leadership
Metatronia Dream Cards - Created to enjoy connection to Source and its myriad of support while you sleep. There is much occurring and aligning your vessel to the eternal while you sleep. Support, love, alignment, guidance, gifts and more through streams of Divine Light as you sleep. Light is working on all levels awakening and aligning to your true Source. Limitations of the mental body are moved out of into the deep silence and magnificence of Source. Inclusive Leadership
Metatronia Oracle Cards - Are vibrational healing cards brought by Archangel Metatron. Metatron knows the individual’s unique requirements needed to bring equilibrium into your life. They work using universal healing energy coding on many levels. They are healing frequency and comfort directly from Source. Look at images they will bring healing frequency. Inclusive Leadership
Certified Accredited Angelic Oracle Card Reader Diploma Course, connecting with 22 different angels and archangels understanding what each one brings energetically - by Tania Magdalene, Instructor, and Alexandra Gabriel, Instructor https://www.udemy.com/user/alexandra-gabriel-2/ - The Academy of Ancient Magik. Main https://academyofancientmagik.com/main/
Author of fiction and non-fiction books.
I have over fourteen years of expertise as training director and instructor; for technical operations and systems, in military departments and administration. https://about.me/wawrzyniak9
Fulfilled all requirements for Conferred Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Metaphysics by the World Metaphysical Academy a Division of the World Metaphysical Association, Accredited by the International Natural Healers Association, and Reiki. Certified Kundalini Reiki Master - (3 core Distance attunements-Levels I, II, and III, 6 booster levels), Shamballa Multidimensional Healing Master (4 Attunement Levels), Certified Psychic Communicator, Certified Psychic, Certified Kabbalah Practitioner, Certified Crystal Healer, Certified Metaphysical Practitioner, Certified Angel Therapist, Certified Crystal Healer Registered Metaphysician, Certified Vibrational Healer, Certified Sound Therapist, Certified Crystal Healer, Registered Holistic Health Practitioner - Inclusive Leadership - The Accreditation Council of Holistic Healers International Accreditation and Certification Board, The World Metaphysical Association International Registration Board, Certification and Registration Division, World Metaphysical Association Academy is a Division of Reiki Rays Institute - President - Dawn Grey https://www.worldmeta.org/ .
I have completed, Acupressure Massage For Pain Relief Certificate Course(5CEU), and Aromatherapy For Natural Living Using Essential Oils Certificate Course at the Mark Perren-Jones Isla Verde Spa Training Academy, and Aromatherapy-The Ultimate Guide to Blending Essential oils, Advanced Certificate Course, by Mark Perren-Jones.
Mark Perren-Jones is a best selling instructor, Certified Aromatherapist, Remedial Massage Therapist, and Acupuncturist. Mark Perren-Jones is a highly regarded Remedial massage therapist, acupuncturist, and Pain Specialist. He is also the owner of the award winning Isla Verde Spa and runs the Mark Perren-Jones Spa Training Academy, with educational courses for all skill levels. He has more than 20 years of experience in the massage and acupuncture field and has worked in spas and clinics throughout the world and throughout his career, he has massaged Presidents and their families, Olympic athletes, professional sports people, and celebrities around the world. Mark's spa earned an incredible 100 out of 100 5 Star Reviews on Tripadvisor! ( 100% 5 STARS). In just 6 months after the Isla Verde Spa opened, it became the No.1 Ranked spa in his highly competitive area.
Mark is a Fully Certified Aromatherapist in Aromatherapy and an essential oil specialist, approved by The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA), and the Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA) – both leading governing bodies for educational standards for Aromatherapists.
Mark is an approved provider with NCBTMB (National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork #1805) so that therapists can obtain CE hours with the majority of his courses https://www.udemy.com/user/markperrenjones/ .- Inclusive Leadership
Learn how to treat lower back pain with Bowen Therapy! https://youtu.be/7WUIHdmiYNg via
I have completed - Occupational Therapy Introduction - Accredited Certificate Occupational therapist, basic Psychology, Physiology & Anatomy, working with disabilities, children and adults, fully accredited by the IAOTH - International Association of Therapists, and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Advanced Level -: Accredited Certification - fully accredited by the IAOTH - International Association of Therapists, Psychology of Criminal Behavior & Criminology – ACCREDITED - Personality Disorders, Violence, Sex Offence, Murder, and other types of crime. The reasons for criminal behavior, Types of crime: burglary, murder, serial killing, etc., Personality disorders & crime, Common characteristics of criminals, Personality Theory of Criminal Behavior, Sex offending behavior, Other important aspects of criminology & criminal psychology. This course is accredited by the International Association of Therapists (IAOTH) INSTRUCTOR: Elmira Strange, MPhil, Dip Motivational Psychologist, Motivational Psychology, Counselling, Coaching, and Psychotherapy. https://www.udemy.com/user/elmira-strange/?src=sac&kw=Elmira - Inclusive Leadership
I have completed - Quantum Physics from Beginner to Expert (Quantum mechanics), INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Börge Göbel, Ph.D., Tutor & Scientist in Quantum Physics, tutor and scientist working on quantum physics and electrodynamics (the theory of solid-state physics). Created university level courses on quantum physics, electrodynamics based on the Maxwell equations and Wolfram Mathematica programming. Supervising Bachelor, Master and PhD students in theoretical physics, and have more than 1000 satisfied students on Udemy. Advisor skills as a tutor of Bachelor, Master and PhD students in theoretical physics, a postdoc in the group of Prof. Ingrid Mertig in Halle, Germany. The basics: Experiments that motivated quantum mechanics as well as the theoretical concepts behind it. Advanced topics beyond university courses: Quantum computing and relativistic quantum mechanics. Solving the Schrödinger equation: Doing this together step-by-step, teaches you more than 1000 oversimplified videos. From the very fundamentals to advanced topics like quantum computing, to become knowledgeable and successful in the STEM fields. University level . https://www.udemy.com/user/borge-gobel/ site: http://bgoebel.de/course.html - Inclusive Leadership
I have completed, Quantum Physics & Quantum Mechanics: Certificate Course, INSTRUCTOR: Pritika Vipin, course:Quantum Physics, Mechanics, Gravity, String Theory, Quantum Spin, Wave/particle duality & Superposition! Quantum mechanics, Quantum gravity, Heisenberg Uncertainty principle, Wave/particle duality, Superposition, Quantum fluctuations, Quantum Leap, The Thermodynamic Arrow of Time, How to calculate a photon's energy and Photoelectric Effect, The concept of Absolute time(Is there such a thing?)/ Frame of Reference, Newton versus Maxwell Debate(Einstein's conclusion of an inconsistency), General relativity, Quantum Theory and Relativity, String Theory and Wormholes!, Quantum Spin and Bohr's model. Understand the most famous Quantum Physics concepts. https://www.udemy.com/user/pritika-vipin/ "Scientists have also found that there was a proportional relationship between light and the light frequency and the photons kinetic energy." Inclusive Leadership
I have completed, Leadership & Development of Self to Lead & Develop Others Accredited Certification, Meditation Practitioner / Teacher Accredited Certification (ACCREDITED), INSTRUCTOR: Graham Nicholls Best Selling Instructor -. Expert in Human Emotional and Behavioral Psychotherapy while becoming a leader in the areas of Strategic Life Coaching, NLP, EFT/TFT, Mindfulness, CBT and Multi-Discipline Psychotherapy, Owner/Creator of The Priority Academy. From beginner to professional level This Meditation Practitioner / Teacher Certification course is a fully comprehensive guide into the world of the Meditation Practitioner / Meditation Teacher in which you will be taken from beginner to professional level where you will be able to run your own meditation classes. Guide individuals or groups through the mediation process. Graham Nicholls, Multi-Discipline Psychotherapy Speaker and Author and now uses his commitment to developing life strategies that help people make positive changes while helping them to create their life on their terms. https://www.udemy.com/user/graham-nicholls-4/ site: https://www.thepriorityacademy.com/
I have completed: Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Advanced Diploma, a complete Degree program. This Diploma is an Encyclopedia in The Natural Medicine field for a Naturopath or Doctors of alternative and complementary medicine. This is a comprehensive course that gives a good knowledge about a many diseases, disorders and their natural treatment. Each disorder and disease is defined, also given is signs, symptoms, the causative factors and their natural treatment. Including human anatomy, physiology and very good knowledge in different Naturopathic Medicine fields, such as Acupressure, Homeopathy, Reflexology, emergency medicine, first aid, herbal medicine, Microbiology, Family Medicine and Public Health in depth, Emotional and Mental Health, Infectious Diseases and Aromatherapy, The Fundamentals of Nutrition Science and Applications in details. By Udemy Instructor: Omar Abed - Doctor of Alternative Medicine. https://www.udemy.com/user/omarabed4/?src=sac&kw=Omar+Abed
About Me
Janett Lee Wawrzyniak is a published author and writer with expertise in research and development. Janett was born and raised in Northern California. She has military experience as director/instructor in technical operations/systems, research, and development. During this time, she completed University in military employ with an information science and high-tech background. Her additional experience is in Team Leadership, Administration, Technology, Library Research, Internal Investigations, Creative, Technical Writing, Astrophysics, Blueprint Reading, Military Operations, Ethical Leadership and Operations Management.
Currently living in the Atlantic Southeast, she supports writers with excellence at her research blog. Her BlogSpot site http://janettleewawrzyniak.blogspot.com/ helps writers with great instruction, research, development, and tips enhancing lives. Social Media helps her keep relevant at her other sites also https://www.metatronattunements.com/ https://about.me/wawrzyniak9 https://plus.google.com/115532113063453635989/posts https://twitter.com/wawrzyniak9 https://www.facebook.com/janett.wawrzyniak. Her books are at: http://www.friesenpress.com/bookstore/title/119734000003255080/Janett-Lee-Wawrzyniak-SECRET-TERROR/FIC031000 http://www.friesenpress.com/bookstore/title/119734000001935921/Janett-Lee-Wawrzyniak-Electromagnetism-in-Stars-Light/SCI000000 https://www.xlibris.com/en-au/bookstore/bookdetails/590490-recipes-of-relatives and at over 25,000 book sellers worldwide.
Skills: Critical Thinking, Complex Problem Solving, Judgment and Decision-Making, Active Listening, Computers and Electronics, Mathematics, Operations and Systems Analysis, Monitoring, Programming, Sales and Marketing, Self-Motivation, Teamwork, Technical Skills, Strength of Character, Interpersonal Skills, Flexibility/Adaptability
Author, Commercial and Literary Writings
University in military employ
Books By Janett Lee Wawrzyniak
SECRET TERROR IN WAVELENGTHS - WAVE LINKS by Janett Lee Wawrzyniak https://books.friesenpress.com/store/title/119734000003255080/Janett-Lee-Wawrzyniak-SECRET-TERROR copyright number: TXu001842398
Electromagnetism in Stars Light Returning to Earth Again Interacting by Janett Lee Wawrzyniak https://books.friesenpress.com/store/title/119734000001935921/Janett-Lee-Wawrzyniak-Electromagnetism-in-Stars-Light copyright number: TX0007479735
Systematizing many posts with elements of electromagnetism https://twitter.com/wawrzyniak9 https://gab.com/wawrzyniak9 https://www.facebook.com/janett.wawrzyniak.9 - Published Book by Author - Janett Lee Wawrzyniak, by Facebook of her work/photos/entries with connections to Electromagnetism, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Metaphysics, World Events, and Health. Published Jun 24, 2020, publisher Facebook PastBook.
Cosmology studies the universe as a whole and its phenomena at the largest scales, Astronomy/Astrophysics, study individual objects. Astronomy primarily observes and measures relative positions and paths. Astrophysics and Cosmology present evidence of their observed phenomenon.
Photograph of Sacred Geometry Metatron's Cube (Dodecahedron – Aether) Crystal Grid Gold Altar Cloth, metaphysical properties of Iron Pyrite natural chispa crystals - raises levels of intellect by providing information recall, Aquamarine crystal roughs - enhances connection simplifying information of the higher self, Emerald crystal roughs - stimulates memory and facilitates decision making, Entered by Janett Wawrzyniak, my Crystal Grid and photograph. Of the fifth Platonic solid, the dodecahedron, Plato remarked, "...God used it for arranging the constellations on the whole heaven". Aristotle added a fifth element, aithÄ“r (aether in Latin, "ether" in English), and postulated that the heavens were made of this element.
​Metatronia Foundation of Light -Founder - Tammy Majchrzak. Main MT website https://www.metatronia.com/ .
METATRONIA METAPHYSICAL TRAINING FOUNDATION . https://www.facebook.com/tammy.majchrzak.16
Metatron’s powerful energy
New frequency shifts
Transition to deep connection
Greater connection
Feel occurrences within
Geometrical frequency rebalance
Conscious activation
Rising to higher levels
Lightbody vehicle guidance
Sense, feel and know
Own unique connection
To zero-point oneness
DNA/RNA blueprint restored
Imbalances rectified
Crystals structure raising your frequency
Other Training. Assisting the Light Evolutionary process of Mankind – Tammy Majchrzak, Main MT website https://www.metatronia.com/ .
Nineteenth Stellation of Icosidodecahedron,
sacred geometry, other parts of the star are hidden inside the figure.


"This Light is the Source from what all is created. It existed before the beginning of time and shines eternally for there is nothing new that lies under the Sun only the discovery of such that is so divine from within the heart and mind of Man"
Metatronia Therapy® is Source vibration healing energy. It may be termed as "Electro-medicine". This sacred vibration received through Archangel Metatron aligns you to Divine light. It is not only bound to healing as it works to assist the vibrational alignment that in turn assists the Ascension process. The light works to your own unique energy/vibratory signature. The Divine light Dynamics have a specific purpose which is to assist mankind's Alchemical Light transmutation. It is ever altering, expanding and moving in line with Source light harmonics. Assisting your light evolutionary process. Metatronia Therapy is involved in the Bioenergetics* ('*energy flow through living systems') - the Energy transformation with the human system from connection with higher light vibrational coding’s thus aligning the human vessel with the true light blueprint. We are awakening to a new state of being, a higher, conscious awareness of the greater reality. The truth that we are becoming as we open to the dynamics of Source. It can be applied through physical and distant application.
"This vibrational integration is formed from the intelligent and most conscious life Light (the encoded light from which all is created). Metatron is assisting the re-integration with "Divine Wisdom" that "vibrationally" restores and alters the physical vessel back into its divine body of light through ethereal and "bio-chemical" interaction and restructuring".
"At the direction of the El'Ohym, Metatron creates and generates the sacred geometrical Light Coding’s of the Ascension Programs for Humanity's Return to Source at this time. Metatronia Therapy re-aligns you, as an extension of Source energy that you are, to your original Source Frequency. As well, as reintegrates the Metatronic Consciousness within you and corrects the electron spin field, to pure positive energy. This then aligns one to anchor and embody the Divine Light of the One that you truly are, within the holographic matrix. Metatron aligns, corrects and unwinds the perceptions of the mind that has perceived the self as separated and fragmented, and offers an accelerated opportunity of re-alignment to the Pure Inscription of Light of Source that you are".
"Metatronia Therapy is a healing energy like no other and I have felt or experienced. It is a very high vibration and really goes to the heart and heals on many levels. Archangel Metatron opens us up for to this effective healing vibration and it assists in healing and alignment on many levels".
Metatronia Metaphysicians (MtPHY) can be contacted to assist your journey of Ascension. Some may specialize in one particular area such as Trauma Therapy, Energy Healing, Light Counsel. Some are multi-disciplined and offer a variety of support services. Encompassing the teachings of Archangel Metatron who is here at this time to assist the light evolution of mankind. They are Ambassadors of Divine Light. We are truly honored to have them as part of our Foundation. They have completed all of the MT Training portfolio and can be contacted for their services as a Metaphysician. This is not a certification that MTFOL gives lightly as it takes dedication as a Lightworker, conscious light connection, vibrational integration, expansion, client interaction and for some, up to 5 years of earth-based study. Simply, yet profoundly stated, our MT Metaphysicians are 'Divine Light Physicians'.
"A Metaphysician is often classed as "one who works above and beyond the known".
We are going beyond this with Metatronia Energy. We are working directly with the Light of Divine Law, through the guiding hand of Archangel Metatron. This opens up a whole new level of being. The light works very swiftly as it vibrationally recalibrates (prepares, opens and expands) the vessel to work through the truth of light. Our Metaphysicians have been on their own unique journey of awakening and vibrational expansion through the Light. They work directly with Source to support the vessel through divine light connection.
"The most spiritual of experiences are not found in books. It is a unique vibrational encounter where the mind, body, heart and soul unite with Source, the essence of all creation. Uniting in a most sacred place within where the recipient begins to comprehend, from a higher conscious point, the divine mechanisms of Source light".
Metatronia Light Counsellors offer Light Counsel, advising others from a higher conscious state, working directly with and through Source, to deliver vibrational expansion, guidance, insight and assistance. This level of counsel is not the same as "conventional" counselling. It works through the simplicity of light connection that aids the vessel in aligning with its divine blueprint. Through the silent workings of Source Metatronia Light Counsellors are able to very swiftly align all aspects of the vessel with particular focus on areas that would normally require hours, perhaps months of conventional counselling sessions. It is not necessary to "re-live the story or event, as through the light connection much is aligned within the vessel.
Ability to work directly from, through and with Source to assist vibrational alignment
Works through transparency and Divine Truth
Assists the Vessel/Light Preparation
Assists through a very finely tuned “Vibrational Antenna”
Receptive to Source light Geometries
Intermediary between individual and Source
Creates and holds a space to assist another through Light intervention
Connects to Source's divine and intelligent consciousness
Works to transmute density within others through Source Electromagnetic frequency
Has the ability, through source intervention/linkage, to align neuro-pathways – bringing clarity to the mind, thoughts, conditions
Light Advocate/Light emissary
Ability to “vibrational read/interpret” the energy of another vessel
Conduit of divine light
Ability to create a sacred space
Has the ability to pick up vessel vibration - Bio-Reading​
Child Services in relation to Healing/Alignment sessions, Light Attunements, Counselling, Meditation & Child Lightworker support.
"Creation is only made possible through the unity, power and majesty of Divine Love." Archangel Metatron & Goddess Metatreiya
Please visit the main Metatronia website for details on Goddess Metatreiya Practitioner Training & Services https://www.metatronia.com/goddess-metatreiya.html